Lower back pain is a common problem for pregnant women. Most women experience additional stress on the spine due to the lowering of their center of gravity as the abdomen grows. Chiropractic care in Altamonte Springs can provide pain relief without the use of potentially harmful medications.
Misalignments between the vertebrae and discs interrupt nerve signals the brain uses to communicate with muscles, organs, and other parts of the body. These misalignments are called subluxations. Qualified chiropractors can restore the propagation of nerve signals by adjusting the spine, pelvis, and cranium.
Subluxations can cause a variety of other health issues in addition to causing back pain. These may include constipation, high blood pressure, and gastric reflux. In a pregnant woman, interrupting signals coming from the brain can cause difficult labor, or dystocia. During childbirth, the body relies on signals from the brain to release the hormones that induce contractions.
Most pregnant women experience changes in posture as the pelvis and spine struggle to compensate for the additional weight. Some suffer with sciatica, which is an inflammation of the major nerve running from the lower back to the feet. Spinal adjustment by a qualified chiropractor can decrease sciatic nerve inflammation, restore pelvic balance, and relieve stress on the vertebrae.
Choosing a qualified chiropractor is important. All chiropractors have the skills necessary to work with pregnant clients but some have additional training focusing specifically on pregnancy wellness. Pregnant women can also receive helpful advice about nutrition, ergonomics, and safe exercises to promote a healthy pregnancy. The healthcare professional should use a special adjustable table that does not put pressure on the abdomen.
Seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy can help make women more comfortable before and during childbirth. Chiropractic care is generally safe for both the baby and the mother. Despite that, women should consult with an OB/GYN before seeing a chiropractor.
Learn how to cope better with your pregnancy with the very best chiropractic care in Altamonte Springs. To arrange a consultation today, visit this website http://www.BeyondChiropracticFL.com.